Factory For Sale At Pugoda(14424)

Pugoda, Gampaha, Western Province
Sale | Factory - Commercial Property 

LKR 1,500,000,000
6Acre(s)  150,000SQFT AREA

Basic Info

Published Date 2024-03-18
Built Year 2015

Financial Info

Net Price LKR 1,500,000,000

Advanced info

- The factory located in Pugoda boasts impressive features, including a main building with varying eave heights of 20 and 30 feet. Spanning over 78,000 and 60,000 square feet respectively, it also houses a two-floor office space spanning 8,000 square feet. Additionally, the factory is equipped with two transformers of 800 and 1000 KVA, LP gas storage facilities, staff quarters for 50 individuals, and convenient access via two roads.

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