Coconut Estate For Sale At Ibbagamuwa Kurunegala(15546)

Ibbagamuwa, Kurunegala, North Western Province
Sale | Mixed Plant - Estate 

LKR 5,000,000/Acre
10Acre(s)  80Perch(es)

Basic Info

Published Date 2024-08-22

Financial Info

Net Price LKR 52,500,000
Price per acre 5,000,000/Acre

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Coconut Estate For Sale At Ibbagamuwa Kurunegala.


- Includes a dedicated store room and an extra garage

- Equipped with an agro-well for reliable irrigation and water supply

- Combines residential comfort with extensive natural and agricultural elements


This 10.5-acre property features a charming house with two bedrooms, a pantry, an open kitchen, bathroom, and garage, plus a separate store room and additional garage. Highlights include an agro-well, one acre of forest, a small cave, over 20 fruit varieties including TJC mango, diverse tree species, teak trees, and medicinal plants, all nestled in a peaceful neighborhood.

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